Are You Planning Your Surrogacy Journey in UK? Know About Some Facts

Before discussion about the topic, “Surrogacy in UK for single, heterosexual couples, LGBT and even for married couples”, here is something more crucial to discuss about – the legal rights and the entire process of parenthood with a valid certificate that may take approx one year after child birth to get a valid certificate. The United Kingdom is one of the relatively few countries where this arrangement for parenthood journey is lawful. It is permitted, but encouraged. On the other side, commercial procedure for intended parents is banned. Women who are carriers are supposed to be compensated only for reasonable expenses. The entire process from IVF to embryo transfer and from selection of the right healthy woman to continue the journey for nine months to give birth to a healthy child and birth certificate is dealt with after the fact in law, “A woman is always the legal mother of a child, and she gives birth to”. The intended parents must apply to the family courts for a parenting or...