How to plan up your surrogacy journey in Colombia being an international parent?

Surrogacy in Colombia is probably the finest option for couples and individuals that couldn’t spent more than certain amount towards their parenthood dreams. Besides, the country supports surrogacy for everyone irrespective of their sexual orientation and ethnicity. Still, if you are a foreigner visiting this country for surrogacy, there are few things that you need to know beforehand. In the following sections of this article, we will cover all the pre-requisites regarding surrogacy in Colombia. How to proceed with surrogacy in Colombia as an international citizen? Know the surrogacy laws in Colombia Surrogacy in Colombia has to be altruistic and gestational in nature as per the laws. So, you cannot pay the surrogate mother in Colombia more than her expense on the medical care and support. Besides, at least one of the intended parents needs to be biologically connected with the born child. On the other side, anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, race or ethnicity can...